PARG History:In the late fall of 1968, three U.S. Pacific coast amateurs, Ken Hughes, W6IS, Fred Behrman, K7LNS and Howard Pyle, W7OE, came increasingly aware of the lack of a purely member oriented organization of radio amateurs encompassing the states of Washington, Oregon and California. The need for such had become quite apparent during some two years of operations in a group of the Western Division of a prominent internal amateur radio club. A poll of the active membership of this group produced. A favorable response indicating an eagerness for an independent organization devoted exclusively to the interests of the Radio Amateurs on the Pacific Coast.
PARG Net Schedule:
9 AM Daily – 7034 KHz and 3545 KHz if conditions require qsy
I noted that Ken Hughes call sign is incorrect, should be W6CIS. Asking: who is the current treasurer to send dues? I’m still kicking and mostly on QRP with Elecraft rigs, but still have the FT-1000d. The picture on QRZ of my station is now worse with “stuff” piled on :). Somebody send me an email about the dues, thanks and 73. Mike Zane n6zw,