Random Radiation from 1973
Random Radiation from 1973 : https://pargnet.org/images/random_radiation/random_radiation_1973.pdf
Random Radiation from 1973 : https://pargnet.org/images/random_radiation/random_radiation_1973.pdf
Below is a link to the complete Random Radiation for 2020 (Its a pdf): 2020 03 27 Random Radiation
Below is the link to Random Radiation 2019 50th anniversary (A pdf file): 2019-11-02 Random Radiation
Hello PARGers - As you know, we have sponsored an information booth at the Seaside, Oregon SEAPAC Hamfair each June for many years. This booth has helped to spread the word about PARG and the ....
PARG now has a slow speed cw net on 80 meters at 8:00 pm on Thursdays at 3545 khz. Rob, n6kix, is net control. Please join in, but know it is a slow speed cw ....
I've managed to find some of the content from the old website/blog. This is not current info. [gallery ids="25"]
Roster - Updated June 18, 2023 Welcome, New members: #441 N7TB Terry Brown, Salem, OR and #442 KC7TAK Ryan Pateet, Beavercreek, OR A-NU6 John Bellingham, WA #402 AAZ—W7 ....
PARG History:In the late fall of 1968, three U.S. Pacific coast amateurs, Ken Hughes, W6IS, Fred Behrman, K7LNS and Howard Pyle, W7OE, came increasingly aware of the lack of a purely member oriented organization of ....
This is the new blog for the Pacific Amateur Radio Guild. The Pacific Amateur Radio Guild, as its name implies, is an association of Radio Amateurs with a common interest whose principle activities are localized ....